The Final 3?

In NCAA basketball there is a tournament at the end of the season to determine who will be the National Champion for that year.  Once a number of teams are knocked out, there are terms or phrases to describe the remaining number of teams.  One of those names or phrases is “The Final Four”, hence the title of this blog.  In this blog I will be discussing the marketing strategies of LinkedIn, Flickr, and Periscope.



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It is ironic that LinkedIn has appeared on the list of social media platforms to discuss.  I actually just made an account to help with networking and finding a job in my field of study after graduation.  I was unaware that LinkedIn came with many more capabilities.  It is one of the premier social media sites for professionals.  In the article I read for this site it is said that it currently has 40 million users that mostly consist of recent graduates. The author also includes 7 tips for companies to successful in marketing on a site that is geared to networking. These tips include:

  • Use LinkedIn marketing to boost brand recognition.
  • Customize the content on your page for your audience
  • Use keywords throughout the profile.
  • Use the LinkedIn publishing platform to create thought-leadership pieces and industry and brand updates consistently.
  • Request recommendations from satisfied customers.
  • Take the mobile user into account with your LinkedIn marketing strategy.
  • Create a business group where customers, brand employees, and prospective customers can all actively engage with each other.

With these and other useful knowledge of the website a company can effectively market itself on this and other social media platforms.


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Flickr is one of the most well-known and popular photo-sharing sites in the world.  It is definitely a pioneer company of social networking and photo-sharing.  Its core functions can provide invaluable marketing facility for businesses looking to grow their brands.  In this article the author insist that a business can easily organize photos, batch edit them, geotag them, and Flickr allows users to access them anywhere.  A Flickr professional account only cost $50.00 a year.  This gets a business unlimited server space, which can greatly reduce the strain on your own internal data warehousing resources, and the cost of acquisition of dedicated storage space for their photos.  Flickr comes with a program called Organizer which makes it easy to label, organize, categorize, tag, and source your photos.  Flickr gives businesses tools to warehouse their digital photos and organize them.  This also is beneficial when displaying photos as well.


Periscope is another social media site that I have never really utilized before as well.  I have learned that it is a live stream app where users can use video to record whatever they may be doing at the time.

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In turn, other users are able to view and comment while these videos are being recorded.  It is an interesting concept, a app devoted mainly to live streaming.  Now how to market effectively on this type of site is the main issue.  This article on Periscope gives a crisp list that explains quick and easy ways to do so.  The list includes the following:

  • Create your community
  • Post how-to-videos
  • Share industry news
  • Build your mailing list
  • Share Product demos
  • Take your followers behind the scenes
  • Answer your audience’s questions

Periscope can really be the most fun out of all the social media apps in regards to marketing.  It offers a intimate way for viewers to watch, comment, share, and interact with your content, in real-time.



3 More Social Media Platforms

I have titled this blog the way have because to be completely honest, I am running out of creative ways to say “trio”.  Just thought I would add that in case anyone wondered why this one did not have an interesting title.  On today’s agenda, we are going to look at Reddit, Pinterest, and Tumblr.  These three are also gaining momentum as the others have not in the social light, but more in the business light.  All three have made gains in the business sector and have created vast opportunities on their platforms for businesses to explore.  I do not actively use these three social media sites everyday, but that does not mean that they are not just as useful for marketing than the previous ones.


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Reddit is one form of social media that I have never really visited much.  I was not really sure what it was used for and thought that I really would not need to use it.  I was mistaken as I have found interesting dialogue and research in Reddit comments that I would otherwise been unaware if I did not visit the site.  How Businesses Can Use Reddit gives businesses advice on how to use the site when marketing and what to look out for.  Some of the key points included were:

  • Never advertise. (Post something useful without asking for anything in return)
  • Present your concepts in a direct manner.
  • Decide what your link will be. What is something unique you have to offer? Insight?
  • Don’t be afraid to go viral.
  • Use it to get advice.

Using these and other techniques will be the most beneficial to companies when using Reddit.  The users of Reddit are savvy and quick witted so it is best that businesses should use the same mindset when marketing there.


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Creating a Pinterest account was something that all of my fellow classmates are all already familiar of as we had to for our current class.  Before that, I did not really utilize Pinterest either.  I would hear many girls talk about cool interior designs they would see on Pinterest or trendy outfits.  Pinterest is almost like if someone turned their written blog into a collage of images.  There are so many different categories of things to search and look for on Pinterest.  The possibilitiesA Social Media Manager’s Guide to Pinterest and combinations are endless. A Social Media Manager’s Guide to Pinterest is a great article on how businesses can use Pinterest to broaden their reach to their specific target market.  Pinterest is all about pinning.  What you pin to your page others will see and acknowledge this is something you are interested in or support.  The author states that there is three levels to pinning.  In the initial stage, your Pinterest account is new and fairly neglected.  To improve on this, businesses should categorize their boards and make it appealing to customers.  Adding your website and getting it verified with the little check is always a plus.  In the second level your business has gained momentum and your page is improving everyday.  To keep on this steady path, it is essential to not forget all of the things you built on from level 1.  Being in this tier allows businesses to get a little more creative and risky.  Level 3 is where you have gotten exceptional at pinning and you are recieving engagement regularly.  Level 3 is not the pinnacle of Pinterest, but it is a great spot to be in as far as a business.


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Tumblr, for me, is home to the trippy art and extremely hilarious gifs.  I did not know that many of the pictures that I would see on the other social media sites I used more frequently came from Tumblr.  Tumblr is quite similar to Pinterest except the user has more of a personalized profile.  Tumblr brings together social networking with multimedia and microblogging.  This is what sets it apart from many of the other social media sites.  Sharing is almost unlimited on Tumblr as there are minimal limitations to what can be posted on the platform.  This can only leave businesses wondering where to start first.  Advertising on Tumblr is done through several different native ad products made for marketers who want to advertise on the platform.  Sponsored posts, sponsored video posts, and sponsored blogs appear all throughout the mobile app and even on the website.  They allow businesses to add these different promotions and ads as if they were regular posts for their following to see.  For businesses to integrate themselves into these social media platforms they must fully know what assistance they will provide.


3’s Company

I would basically consider this blog to be the Trifecta Part II.  Except this time I will be discussing the business marketing tools of YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat.  These three social media platforms aren’t to be considered slouches when compared to the three previous ones I discussed in my other blog. They have all created their own respective lanes and become some of the leading companies in terms of the social media world.  While Instagram and Snapchat are fairly newcomers, YouTube has been around since I was a young lad.  They all are very relevant today and have made great advancements in social media marketing for businesses.


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YouTube is one of the greatest things to reach the internet.  I was unaware that is considered a form of social media but nevertheless, YouTube has made impressions on the world time and time again.  In the infographic I read about YouTube it is said that they are only second to Facebook in active users, at a staggering 1.5 billion monthly active users.  For the business side of things, YouTube can help to maximize ROI on video efforts as it helps the amount of views you receive and your reach.  This can be attributed to the accessibility of YouTube.  It is now available in 88 countries and in 76 languages.  That is how you properly breakthrough cultural and linguistic barriers.  Most of the views that companies will get will come from the ads.  Before most videos on YouTube, there a select few ads that appear.  A lot of the time it is the same one for some period of time but eventually, a different company produces a new ad and so on and so forth.  Most people spend their time on YouTube, rummaging through different videos.


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Out of this group of social media platforms, Instagram is undoubtedly my favorite.  I am not huge on social media as it is and I am not always active on Instagram but if I had choose amongst the three, I would definitely choose Instagram.  Instagram was the pioneer company for visual social media for its time.  There was nothing like it on the market when it hit the scene.  At first, it did not seem that businesses were taking advantage of the possibilities that Instagram could bring.  This could of been from lack of knowledge in the area.  Since then, there has been a boom of business promotion and ads to Instagram.  It is very difficult for me to scroll down my timeline and not see one ad from a company.  In the article I read about Instagram it is said that there are over 700 million monthly active users.  This presents businesses with an opportunity to market their products to a more targeted and interested audience without coming out of pocket much.  This can be done in very easy, efficient ways on Instagram.  Instagram is all about your posts and profile.  On your profile, businesses can add links for consumers to visit and update them almost instantaneously.  For posts, businesses should try to remain as creative as possible.  They should focus on the solution they provide instead of the products they sell.  Instagram allows businesses to add value to their customers and look pretty while they do it.


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Snapchat would be the baby of the bunch as it is one of the newer social media platforms today.  Much like Instagram, it was the first to pioneer it type of platform as well.  Snapchat allows users to send short videos, creative pictures, and even now, instant messaging to other Snapchat friends.  Snapchat has stepped up its marketing game as well as it has introduced ads that appear after watching various Snapchat Stories.  Snapchat’s article states that the app has more than 100 million daily active users that send over 400 million Snaps every day.  Although it has not reached the mainstream level as its peers just yet.  With the constraints within Snapchat, this gives businesses a marketing idea for exclusive promotional offers.  Companies can send out flash sales or coupon codes that expire after the 24 hour time limit.  More recently there have been series of Snaps or even Stories that build up anticipation for an event or product release.  This can help to spread the word organically and even add a viral element if done correctly.  I truly believe to be productive and relevant in today’s society as a business, you must be active in at least one of these Social Media sites.

The Trifecta

Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.  Those are like the most predominate social media sites on the market currently.  I would compare them to the Heat when they had Lebron, Bosh, and D. Wade.  They were unstoppable, a force to reckoned with.  The most amazing part of all three of these social media sites is that they are business compatible.  Each one has its own different services and tools to help business branch out and reach more consumers.  With that being said, each has it own respective way of doing so which it what I will be discussing today.


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Utilizing Facebook may be one of the best things you can do as a business in this day and age.  Facebook has been around for awhile so everyone is aware of it and more than likely has one.  It is the oldest of the Trifecta so it is probably the most easy to recognize.  In the article there are some tips included for businesses to get the most use out of the site.  The author says to try something weird so that you standout to consumers.  You should be clear and concise with your promotions or ads so that there is no confusion.  It is important to test out everything before you post it for millions to see.  This includes ads, images, cover photos and landing pages.


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Google+ can actually be considered the baby of the Trifecta as it has only been a around for so many years.  Google+, just like its fellow social media sites, offers an array of tools for business groups to use for their marketing campaign.  For this platform I actually came across an interesting infographic that explains why Google+ is so useful.  Google+ has over 150 million active users.  Facebook did not just start with its crazy amount of users, it had to start somewhere and Google+ is doing a pretty good job at growing thus far.  This is why it has a growth rate of 33% per year.  Google+ allows customers to find you on all their platforms from a simple search.  They also offer interactive mechanisms for customers such as Google+ profiles and communities.  Google has gone from an interesting search engine to social media aficionado.


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And last but not least in any respect, Twitter.  Twitter may be the single most fastest social media there is in terms of current topics.  Twitter will be able to keep you up to date on a situation, just as quick if not quicker, than most news outlets.  It is the home of voice opinions and celebrity feuds.  It is the perfect place for a business to announce itself to the world.  But how can this be done?  A question many of us, myself included, are asking.  Twitter is the perfect platform to build your brand.  In the article I read it says that tweets without links get a better response.  Not everything you tweet as a business has to be a link.  Hashtags are what make Twitter, Twitter basically.  As a business, you want to use the right hashtags.  To get noticed, you should hashtags that give your tweet context but do not overload them.  When you do share links it helps to add images so that it engages the consumer.


Videos For Social Media


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Social Media has continued to evolve and make enormous advances since its introduction to the world.  Every time we look up as consumers, there are different social media platforms making their apps video oriented.  That has been one of the biggest shifts in Social Media during this past year and I assume it will continue on in 2018.  With advancements in technology, mobile devices are becoming more capable of streaming video, even live video.  This is increasing video consumption by consumers because of their widespread ability to view videos any and everywhere.  This article by Olivia Smolder offers some insight into the advancements of Social Media videos and key statistics.

The Video Wave

There have been stifling changes in Social Media due to the new additions of video application alone.  Videos have yet again transformed Social Media as a place for instant feedback on a certain trend or topic.  Facebook Live is a great look at this aspect alone.  Not too long ago, Facebook rolled out additions and new content to this for users. As an effect of this researchers have found that 100 million hours of video per day are watched on Facebook. That is nuts! Instagram brought to the light Instagram Stories and disappearing videos in Direct Messaging.  Their users have grown to towering 600 million Instagrammers.  Snapchat, who is basically the founding father of the Social Media video age, brought the new feature of group chatting to their video based app.  More video content is uploaded to the web in 1 single month than TV has created in three decades.  Some may be against the new changes to Social Media, but as consumers we can only sit back and continue to watch the show.

Company Spotlight: Adidas

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Adidas video ads appear on almost every Social Media site I visit every day.  I can not browse through Instagram or Facebook without seeing one of their compelling video ads.  Their ads usually hit you with an ambush of imagery and action which can take someone by surprise.  They are one of the best companies at doing this as they continue to produce more and more eventful commercials.  Usually there is a star studded cast and it is not only from the athletic realm.  Adidas has done a great job of incorporating rappers, actors, and even inventors.  Adidas goes beyond the competition and gives their consumers something to look forward to.

















































Can You Picture It?

Visual Storytelling is language that can break through cultures and divisions.  People can relate with one another through experiences, what they see and comprehend.  Many people are great speakers but there are few that can convey a message through imagery.  Visual storytelling is a powerful way to connect deeper with online audiences, across many different devices. Rachel Barlett offers some great tips on visual storytelling  and how it can transcend certain barriers.

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A Deeper Meaning

Visual Storytelling is a means to break down complex messages to the masses and give them something that is much easier to digest.  Although the more the complex the message, the greater the chances of you grabbing the consumers full attention and embedding a message. Bartlett says that the combination of rich visuals and great writing can also often help to bring to life the emotion and atmosphere of a story in a way a standalone medium never could.

Text & Media

As it is stated above, text and media should remain as two separate entities and standalone firmly.  Text should present a new message instead of reiterating what has already been shown through the media and vice versa.  Each component of the story plays an important role to the reader and where you combine mediums they should be bringing something extra to the other.  If this is not the case, then this will often times just be extra luggage which will deter the reader.

Company Spotlight: Budweiser

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I know Budweiser is not the most ideal company in regards to what they produce and our class but, they have made some of the best demonstrations in Visual Storytelling I have ever seen.  Their content is engaging and usually does not even state what point it is trying to get across initially.  But their ability to connect with their viewers and consumers is unmatched.  Just looking at their latest commercial ad in the past Super Bowl and is apparent to see how much time and labor was put into telling the immigrant story of the company’s co-founder, Adolphus Busch.  It is essentially the story of the American Dream as an immigrant lands in the United States with the vision and determination to create the world’s largest brewer.  We are able to see that Adolphus turned this image or dream into a reality.

Social Media & Blogging

I think everyone that is currently in my Digital & Social Media Marketing class should read the article I chose for this blog.  The article, Why You Need a Social Media Marketing Strategy & How To Start One, shows why bloggers should have a social media presence.  Bloggers that already have a huge following and readers can expand exponentially with the aid of social media. The article even goes on to say that Social Media can be an even bigger platform for your blog or business to grow when compared to SEO.  Social Media is everywhere in the world now.

Social Media Is Here To Stay

With no signs of slowing down, Social Media’s range and accessibility seems to grow wider each day.  Everyday newer and more interactive platforms of Social Media are being designed only to out do the others already in place.  Any successful blogger knows that to  reach a certain target market,  being active in Social Media is vital.  Social Media barely cost anything and can be setup within 10 minutes.  With all of this being said, strategically setting up a Social Media Marketing plan will only magnify your reach as a blogger.

Auto Post

So that your blog is easy to reach, bloggers should look being active on multiple social media platforms.  This will only help your following and influence grow.  Now that you are set up on the different platforms, posting to them consistently is key.  Posting to each social media site and going through all that numerous times sounds repetitive right? To combat this there are many various applications that look to automate this post for you so that you do not have to waste time doing it continually.

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Interact With Readers

Those that reply and converse with their audience will see the most benefit from using Social Media.  That is what it is there for!  Social Media is meant to be a bridge between regular society and those in high places.  There are different tools that make his bridging of two worlds much easier.  Twitter allows users to retweet different posts and this is easy to again access to.  Facebook allows users search opens to where they can type in their different blog titles and see who has shared it.


On many of the Social Media outlets there a peak times when they see high usage of their application or site.  Bloggers can use this to their advantage by effectively timing their post so that they will receive the maximum amount of views.  It is also beneficial to see what is trending on sites like Facebook and Twitter so that you can possibly weigh in on the topic.

Company Spotlight: Charmin


Charmin Bear Mascot



Charmin is the company I chose to spotlight for this blog, not because of their amazing social media presence, but instead for their plush toilet paper.  When I walk into Walmart to look for toilet paper, I immediately grab Charmin.  All jokes aside Charmin does an outstanding job in the Social Media area being a toilet paper company.  They actively start trends on Twitter and often has display ads on YouTube.  I also enjoy their commercials on TV.  Those little, cute, fuzzy bears rubbing their buts with Charmin just gets me every time.

Ads For Days

This blog will almost be a part two to my previous one about Google AdWords.  Along with AdWords comes another innovative way to attract customers, Display Ads.  Display Ads are basically another form of advertising that charges companies per click as well.  Display Ads often show up as banners on different sites or can appear with many various graphics as they are animated on to the screen.  Display Ads are almost an extension of AdWords when it comes to Google.  After reading Google AdWords section about Display Ads I am now aware of the many uses of this criteria and how Google offers their expertise with it.

Display It

In the article Google goes on to describe Display Ads as tools that can customized and personalized just as AdWords are.  Reaching the correct target market is still the main goal when creating Display Ads as it is with any other advertisement.  Display can appear in in many different ways.  They may appear as just text that jump out at the customer.

display ad
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A large majority of the ads I come across are mainly from apps alone.  Apps are a great avenue for businesses to bring forth their display apps.  I only say this because I have to look at them as I try to get rid of them when they distract me from whatever I am doing on the app. With Google, companies can customize their Gmail ads so that can send them out to others which spreads the word.  Display ads should be full of rich content that in a sense, breaks out of the screen to the customer.  I believe that ads with the most interactive elements and animation will influence consumers the most into buying their product.  Our society nowadays buys consumes from impulse and this usually takes place within the first few seconds of seeing an item, when the product has to make its best impression on a buyer.

Company Spotlight: Intel

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Not only known for their brillant commercial advertising, Intel joins the conversation as a business that is utilizing memorable display ads as well.  Intel is commonly known for their cutting edge technology in processors and computer software.  As this is a large deomgraphic all on its own, Intel needed to breach into other markets as well to expand their company.  This why we now see Sheldon from “The Big Bang Theory” in the ad above.  Sheldon is a face that people have seen before, but only in a different setting.  Introducing Sheldon into Intel’s media marketing helped them gain some much deserved recognition.  This shows Intel’s knowledge in influence marketing and  display advertising by using Sheldon as their brand ambassador.


The Auction

Ever search “How to stay warm in the cold?” in Google and scroll past the results that are to the side because you know they’re ads? Yeah, me too.  I actually just searched this in Google because of the extreme cold air we are experiencing.  The ad that happened to appear was for battery heated socks which I’m interested in purchasing now.  This brings me to the topic at hand, AdWords.  Google AdWords is a mechanism that companies use to increase the chances of users clicking on their potential ad.  This is a form of PPC (pay-per click) where companies pay for however many clicks they receive through the google search. rIt can also depend on how many people visit their website due to the search as well. Once a company has joined Google AdWords, they are allowed to bid on different searches and keywords that will prompt customers to their products. Google then selects from a pool of advertiser for which will get the initial search position and so on and so forth. Starting your AdWord campaign, there are certain areas that should concentrated on and developed to put your ad in the right position.

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Target Market

As it has been a reoccurring theme in many of my past blogs, knowing your target market is important.  This includes knowing what location to single out and focus mainly on.  If you are advertising battery heated socks, you may not want your ads to appear to customers in the Sahara Desert.


There is no need to go broke over trying to offer the highest bid for your company.  Know what your budget is for your company so that your ad will stop appearing.  I thought that it was pretty cool that Google allows companies to manually adjust their bids and manage how much they would like to spend for their ad each day.


It is essential to focus on one product at a time.  Businesses often get caught up in trying to promote all these different products and often times they are lackluster.  Devoting time to one main product initially until you are able to juggle multiple, is beneficial for your company.  Google offers the addition of other ad groups which is a nifty tool once your main product is rolling.

Your Ad Here

The ads that appear should engage the customer and attain their attention with few words.  Your ad text should be specific to the product you are advertising.  Make sure that your ad stands out among competing ads so that customers are more likely to choose yours over theirs.

Spotlight: GoDaddy


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When I was searching GoDaddy on Google, an ad actually appeared.  What a coincidence.  GoDaddy is mostly brought up because of its controversial Super Bowl commercials, but for this blog I’m going to to keep it PG.  GoDaddy is in fact a website where companies can go to register domain names of their choosing.  They also offer other services such as building your own website and marketing tools.  GoDaddy is among some of the top companies when it comes to Google Adword. GoDaddy contributed 21.7 million dollars in revenue alone in 2011 to Google through AdWords.  It is apparent to see that advertising is an aspect that GoDaddy does not want to get passed up in and it shows as they are still a relevant company today.

This is Not Spam

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Contrary to common belief, emails are still a relevant form of communication.  As a child I used to think that emails were for grown ups and that I would never need one of those because only really important businessmen use them.  Boy, was I wrong.  Since being in college and even rarely in high school emailing has been very vital for me.  Emails offer a swift and convenient mode of communication that is useful to almost anyone.  For businesses and companies, this is their bread and butter to reach the consumer on a personal level.  Email marketing is a component of business that is still very much relevant today as smart phones allow consumers to receive emails just like text messages.    In an article I read about email marketing tips, Jack Simpson offers some advice as to how companies should utilize this aspect the best.  This is broken down into five different sections: Getting started, Content, Subject Line, Sending, and Managing Subscribers.

How to Start

One of the key components with getting started is knowing where to start.  A business can not just start sending email notifications to any and everybody.  Once they have identified their target market, they should isolate it and focus on it mainly.  By knowing their audience this will help with giving them a foundation to start with their emails.  If they would like to expand their email list initially, they should look at promoting their email newsletter on the various social media facets.


Content is a reoccurring theme that has been showing up in many of my blog posts.  Whether it is a web site or an email to a potential customer, content is always going to be strong component to rely on.  When designing these emails it is important to try to make it as personal as possible.  There is no realistic way to personalize the email to one specific person, but you can create it as if you were only sending it to one person.  It is also important to be as fluid as possible.  People often times get turned off if it as if there is an automated service calling their phone over and over.  The same goes with emails.  Use language that people from all demographics can relate to and agree with.

What’s it All About?

The subject line is something that I even struggle with today.  There is no clear, concise way to get the subject across with minimal words.  Unless the email is very specific, the subject will be sort of ambiguous.  In the article, Simpson says to keep the subject line short and punchy.  Get to the point instead of leaving the customer in the dark.  Companies should also use words that show urgency.  Being that it was just the end of the year, many people got emails indicating that the sales will be off the charts for the start of the new year.

Return to Sender

When sending out the emails, companies should be aware of what their email contains and who it is being sent to.  Proofreading emails is very vital, customers will not look at businesses in the same light if they have an immense amount of grammitcal errors.  Emails should be thouroughly checked by someone who did initially write it so that it is seen by a fresh set of eyes.  Consistency ranks high on the importance scale as well.  Customers look for weekly, even daily deals from their favorite companies.  Keeping up with consumer need and want is what keeps the company running and should be rightfully adhered to.


Subscribers are the driving factors to many businesses nowadays on and off the internet.  Subscribers reflect the company’s ability to retain and attract customers to their products.  Simpson asserts that a welcome email should be sent to every new subscriber.  I agree with this point when I receive a welcome email from a company I know that they are aware of new customers and customer service as well.  It shows humility especially for upscale companies that have seen hundreds and hundreds of subscribers.  With new subscribers comes those that unsubscribe.  Unsubscribing should be just as easy as it was to get involved with the company.  This will help with reviews down the line.

Company Spotlight: True Religion

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True Religion is the company I chose to spotlight for this blog.  True Religion is a clothing company that carries designer denim and apparel.  Being a past customer of True Religion, their email marketing is quite substantial when compared to their competition.  True Religion usually sends an email out daily of deals, coupons, and even new apparel that has just hit their online store.  This is done once you have bought something from their online store, in the hopes that you will return to their site again.  Many of the emails contain photos of the new apparel and upcoming releases as well.  True Religion knows how to reach their target market and knows how to carefully market their emailing service.